Should Christians Be Smoking Pot?
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**  Make God your first choice, instead of your last option.

Following are my notes concerning the issue of Christians smoking pot. These notes are still in the rough draft stage, so I will be updating the notes as time permits. I believe that this issue is of utmost importance, so I am posting my notes for anyone to read. Send any comments to: <<<...JimmieNeutron underscore57 at hotmail dot com...>>>

• Smoking pot creates a barrier to walking in the Spirit
• Christians smoking pot is a bad witness
• Pot alters the mind
• Scripture teaches us to be of a sound mind, self-controlled, and sober ....
• Smoking anything damages your lungs, and causes other medical problems ....
• If smoking pot is ok for Christians, then should we smoke pot in the sanctuary where we worship God?
• If smoking pot is ok for Christians, then should we go around town witnessing to people while we are smoking pot?
• If you are a Christian who smokes pot, do you ever have second thoughts about smoking pot, and think that perhaps smoking pot is not pleasing to God?
• If you think that it is ok for Christians to smoke pot, what about doing other drugs, like cocain, heroin, methamphetamine, speed ..... ?
• Just because it might be "ok," so to speak, to do something like smoking pot, does that mean that God is really pleased with Christians using drugs?
• Can you think of any other issues concerning the consequences and implications of Christians smoking pot?

Excerpt -- Part of my personal testimony: I almost died from smoking pot! When I was working at a foundry, most of the guys working there would meet in the locker room before work, during breaks and lunch, and smoke pot. We would switch job assignments often, so everyone would know basically how to run the foundry.
    One night I was pouring the molten from the ladel into the molds. I knew how to perform the job perfectly, so this wasn't something that was new to me at all. The pot definitely had a negative effect on my performance and hindered my judgement. While I was pouring the molten metal, I forgot to lock the ladel, and when I moved the ladel, the molten metal was about to pour all over me!!! Fortunately, my boss just happened to be standing right next to me, and saved my life, by grabbing the ladel just in time. Thank God for saving my life again.
    Being under the influence of pot or alcohol can slow our actions and reaction down, cause us to forget, or do stupid things. Why should we, as Christians, who are supposed to be exemplary example of Christ for the rest of the world, desire to put alcohol or pot, or other drugs, into our bodies (our bodies our the temple of the Holy Spirit)?
    Our bodies are supposed to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are supposed to exhibit self-control .....


Scripture for today: 
Proverbs , " "
Psalm, " "
 I, " "
C, " "

Reading Notes:

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