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Left: My dad found
this picture
that my grandmother, Ruth Margaret (SMITH) ANDREWS, had kept. He thinks
it was taken at his parents'
house in Portland, OR. If you recognize this person, please let me
know: <<.JimmieNeutron_57 {at} hotmail dot com.>> or
<<.vjafamhist {at} vjandrews dot com.>>
Right: Writing on back, "This was taken at Jessies at Aunt Mags old
wallnut tree (? Jack and ?) Laura." After studying my ANDREWS family
tree, I'm guessing that Laura, in the picture on the right, is the
daughter of Jacqueline Orel HARPER (1934-1990) and Fred ENGLAND.
Parents of Jacqueline Orel (and sister Barbara Ellen) are Iva Frances
ANDREWS (1909-1985) and Orel William HARPER (1906-1985). If this is
true, then Laura would be first cousins to Gary Randall KIDD. I would
like to contact Gary and anyone else from this line (and collateral
lines). If you can help me in any way, please contact me. Thanks.
More on the picture at right: Here are some surnames that might be
I'm taking a wild guess that the Laura in the picture at right, who is
in another picture with Maud BOWEN and Sylvia WINKS,
could possibly be Laura PHELPS, daughter of Alice C. ANDREWS
(1863-1950) and Francis M. PHELPS (1853-1926). This Laura married Roy
MAHAN before 1953. They had a son, Richard, born about 1924.
I have lots more information on the lineage for Alice C. ANDREWS if interested.

More pictures my grandmother, Ruth Margaret (SMITH) ANDREWS had. If you
recognize anyone or have information, please contact me: <<.JimmieNeutron_57 {at} hotmail dot com.>> or
<<.vjafamhist {at} vjandrews dot com.>>
Left: Written on back, "Taken Grandpa's (Elda) 75th birthday August 10, 1926."
Right: Written on back, "Mrs. J. Smith." ("C. Kendig, Photographer, Naperville, Ill. Duplicates of this picture
can be had at any time. Copies of any size made from Ambrotypes, and
Dagurreotypes furnished on short notice. Stereoscopes and Views always
on hand."

Left: My father sent me this picture that my grandma, Ruth Margaret
(SMITH) ANDREWS, had. Writing on back, "This one Jos Grandma, taken in
the spring of 1922. Mrs. J.S. THOMAS, 4220 Roseland, Houston, Texas."
If you recognize this person, or could be of assistance, please contact
me: <<.JimmieNeutron_57 {at} hotmail dot com.>> or
<<.vjafamhist {at} vjandrews dot com.>>
Right: Another picture my father sent me that my grandma, Ruth Margaret
(SMITH) ANDREWS, had. Writing on the back, "Mrs. STAGGS, Sept. 1929."
If you recognize this person, or could be of assistance, please contact
me: <<.JimmieNeutron_57 {at} hotmail dot com.>> or
<<.vjafamhist {at} vjandrews dot com.>>

Left: On the back of the picture, which is made of very stiff and thick
board, I can faintly make out what appears to be, "C. L. SMITH."
Right: My father thinks this might be Charles "Charlie" ANDREWS (b
1884, IA), brother of Hiram E., Henry James, Harvey and Mary L. Uncle
Charlie married Effie M. Unknown. They may have had a son named
Russell. If you recognize these people or could be of
assistance, please contact
me: <<.JimmieNeutron_57 {at} hotmail dot com.>> or
<<.vjafamhist {at} vjandrews dot com.>>

Left: Writing on back, "my sister Josephine and I. Twylah Snider Iowa
1925." I don't know shich person is Josephine or Twylah.
Center: Twylah SNIDER, from The Kodak Studio, Harry C. Jones,
Fairfield, Iowa. If you can help identify anyone, contact relatives, or
be of assistance, please contact
me: <<.JimmieNeutron_57 {at} hotmail dot com.>> or
<<.vjafamhist {at} vjandrews dot com.>>
Right: Twylah SNIDER.

Left: On the left is Nicky, right is Vern James Andrews, Sr. (my dad).
Taken Sept 1935.
Center: Nicky at left, my dad on the right. My father thinks that Nicky
may be related to us through Aunt Dora or Aunt Maude? Taken Sept. 1935.
Right: Linda ANDREWS, daughter of Calvin ANDREWS and Jerrie UNKNOWN.
Picture was taken at Newport Beach, California, about 1970-71. If you
could be of any assistance with contacting Nicky and Linda, or other
relatives, please contact me: <<.JimmieNeutron_57 {at} hotmail dot com.>> or
<<.vjafamhist {at} vjandrews dot com.>>

This picture is a complete mystery! Another photo my grandmother, Ruth
Margaret (SMITH) ANDREWS had. I'm guessing that the picture may have
been taken in Nebraska, or Iowa, where some of my relatives are from.
If you recognize this picture, please contact me: <<.JimmieNeutron_57 {at} hotmail dot com.>> or
<<.vjafamhist {at} vjandrews dot com.>>

Another mystery picture that my grandmother had. If you can provide any
information or assistance, please contact me: <<.JimmieNeutron_57 {at} hotmail dot com.>> or
<<.vjafamhist {at} vjandrews dot com.>>

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