Andrews Hiking Trips
| Big Trees
North Grove Trail - June, 2005 | Big Trees South Grove Trail - July, 2005 | Birding Home Page | Caswell
State Park Audubon Hike - July 10, 2005 | Pinecrest Sierra Club
- June 4, 2005 | Sewer Ponds Audubon Hike - August 13, 2005 |
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& Research New Home Page |
Saturday, June 4, 2005--
Benjamin, Dara and daddy went hiking with the Sierra Club all day. We
rode up with other Sierra Club members. We stopped off at the Ranger
Station for a brief rest. The hike started off with no problems. We
left the Marina around 9:00. When we got to the steep, large bolders on
the way up to Cleo's Bath, I didn't continue on. Benjamin led the group
up the large rocks all the way to Cleo's Bath, and he has never even
been there before! In fact, this was Benjamin's first hike. Dara had
decided not to hike up to Cleo's Bath, but at the last moment changed
his mind. He was the last one up, but at least he made it. There was
another person in our group who also did not make the climb to Cleo's
When everyone made it back down, we headed on to the
bridge over the dam. That is when some of us started having difficulty
hiking. My feet were hurting quite a bit. Another man had problems with
his leg, but we were determined to finish the hike. We took longer than
expected, and made it back to the Marina about 5:00.
Sunday, July 10, 2005--
Dara, Ben and daddy went hiking with the Audubon Club at Caswell State
Park. There were about eight of us in our group. We saw some California
Quails just as we entered the park. Our group identified at least 25
species of birds. Ben and Dara found a lizard. We also heard frogs
croaking very loudly! Saw a California thrasher, sitting atop a large
cluster of trees. We watched it for about five minutes before it flew
Saturday, August 13, 2005
-- This morning Benny and daddy went on another birding hike with the
Audubon Club, to the sewer ponds near Patterson. There were nine people
in our group. Here is a list of the birds that were identified by our
group (by sight or sound): great white egret (two of them sitting in
the top of a large tree!), blackbird, swallows (barn and tree?),
white-faced ibis, black-necked stilt, yellow-leg, Canada geese,
Wilson's phalerope, red-necked phalerope, killdeer, least sandpiper,
western sandpiper, caspian tern, forster's tern, American white
pelican, snowy egret, great blue heron, ruddy duck, American avocet,
double-crested comorant, eared grebe, blackheaded grosebeak, spotted
towee, bushtit, house wren, California quail, nutall's woodpecker,
mocking bird, red-tail hawk, blue grosebeak, loggerhead shrike,
California gull, ring-billed gull, black-bellied plover.
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Hiking Trips created Tuesday, July 26, 2005 ~ updated on Monday, August 15, 2005
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