Caswell State Park, California
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| Sewer Ponds - August 13, 2005 |
Sunday, July 10, 2005
-- Went birding with the Audubon Society at Caswell State Park. Dara,
Benjamin and daddy hiked around Caswell for about 3 1/2 hours. Our
group identified at least 25 birds. We observed the California Thrasher
for about five minutes, sitting on top of a cluster of large trees,
singing away. Ben and Dara found a lizard. As we first entered the
park, we saw a small group of California Quails. I found a praying
Here is a list of the birds and other animals that
were identified by our group (sight or sound): frog (sounds), spotted
towee, tree swallow, turkey vulture, nuttalls woodpecker, belted
kingfisher, California thrasher, hummingbird, California quail, western
tanager, ashthroated flycatcher, brown cowbird, red-tailed hawk,
lizard, mourning dove, scrub jay, bushtit, swainson's hawk, black
phoebe, white-breasted nuthatch, wrentit, western woodpecker, pewee,
willow flycatcher, goldfinch.

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Cash Advance
State Park created Tuesday, July 26, 2005 ~ updated on Wednesday,
August 10, 2005
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