Andrews Blog Page for December, 2006
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Monday, December 4, 2006 -- Check out my new MySpaceBlogs -- MySpaceHome --
Saturday, December 9, 2006 -- Dara, Ben and I went to the Christmas service at Big Valley Grace. The church was packed out with about 1,500 people! This year's Christmas program was a bit different ...... lots of Christmas music, including many songs I've never heard with a Christmas message. The drama was about a young girl who was depressed, upset, lost, hurt, and finally realized that her only answer to true peace and happiness was to humbly submit to God, and accept Jesus as her savior.
Monday, December 11, 2006 -- Took Dara to emergency. Went to see his doctor later. The doctor wants Dara to see a specialist, and said that he may need a cast.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 -- We've been having lots of rain for the past several days, actually since last week. Rained again pretty good last night. I need to get to work again with the garden. Still a bit under the weather though .......
Wednesday, December 13, 2006 -- Working at Downey High today, Spanish. Kinda bummed out because our friend has cancer. My boys and I went to see Michael at the hospital last night after Celebrate Recovery. We will go visit him again today.
Thursday, December 14, 2006 -- I had an unexpected job assignment today, Special Ed Preschool. I don't do preschool, so this was an unpleasant surprise. The subfinder did not specify preschool. I did survive, however, just barely!
    Vivisted Michael in the hospital again. One of his daughters was there. Pastor Rick Thompson arrived shortly after I did, and prayed with Michael. One of Michael's friends was also there. Dara saw a specialist today, and it appears there is no damage to Dara's leg. That is good news! The doctor wants Dara to begin putting pressure on the foot, and walking as much as possible, and also to bend his leg, which will speed up the healing process.
Sunday, December 17, 2006-- Visited Michael in the hospital again. Matt met me in the lobby and we both went upstairs to see Michael. Later that morning, Michael was telling me that his father got him started playing the guitar, even though he didn't want to play the guitar. Michael shared a story about one of his friends who got involved with the Church of Christ in the foothills. Michael also told me about the Heart Rock Café, where they play contemporary Christian music. I met one of Michael's old friends, Walt. They have been friends for 35 years. We help moved some of Michael's stuff today.
    Picked up the boys at Don's. Don and Dara made some delicious stew! Dara also made fruit salad. That was pretty good too. Way to go Dara!! Dara just finished putting together our new Christmas tree. This is our first Christmas tree that we've ever had!! Thank you Kurt for sharing your kindnedd with us, and thanks for being our friend. God bless you.
Monday, December 25, 2006-- My newest webpage, Bible Teachers, Preachers, Evangelists, Reformers .... I've been very busy with applying for jobs, appointments, errands, getting things ready for Christmas. Last evening we went to the Christmas special at Big Valley Grace, then went to Doug's and spent a couple hours with friends. Kody has been busy working on making food for a Christmas dinner. We're just about ready to pick up her grandmother, who is 92 years old!
    Another new webpage -- Bible Stuff - Resources -- BibleArticles --
Reading -- A Bried Course On Apologetics -- Apologetics Press: Alleged Discrepancies -- A Fairly Thorough Study of Varients of Bible Manuscripts -- Word-Faith Heresies Part I, II, III --

Cool Stuff -- Enochs High School Food Fight!! -- Bible Rap (Baby Got Bible) -- FunnyJunk -- USNS Observation Island --

More Links -- LiveGodNetwork -- ChristianWebRingE-Cards -- Crazy, Lunatic Christians (HolyLaughter or UnholyLaughter?) -- False Profits/Prophets -- HeartRockCafé --

Music -- Mary Did You Know (Jesse Manibusan, Nellie Cruz) -- Mary Did You Know (Kenny Rogers & Wynonna) -- Words to Mary Did You Know -- LincolnBrewsterVideo (Majestic) •

News -- Family Suspected Abuse, Mom Shocked -- Paul Harvey News -- Defense Attorney Seeks Dismissal of All Charges!!! (Where Is Justice?) --

Christian Links -- Key Life (Steve Brown) -- Iona -- 38th Parallel --

My Favorite Songs -- "Everlasting God," by Lincoln Brewster -- "Life Song," by Casting Crowns -- "Your Love Makes Me Sing" -- "Stars," by Switchfoot -- "Mary Did You Know" -- "Breath of Heaven" -- "Majesty" -- "O Holy Night" -- "It Is Well With My Soul" --

InternetRadio -- BibleAnswerMan (ChristianResearchInstitute) --

Warning ...GlancingAtTheG12MovementWhatIsTheG12Vision/Movement?TheTransformingChurch

Scripture for today: Proverbs , "
Psalm 40:1-2, "I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry, He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand."
Psalm 62:5-8, "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. -- Selah

Poem dedicated to Michael Johnson,
by Vern James Andrews, Jr., December 23, 2006

Forever Friends

Through this world
Of toil and cheers,
God sends us friends
To share our joy and tears.
Dear friend of God,
I miss you so, but I know
That your time has come,
That God has taken you home.
Thank you friend,
For the time we shared,
For the time you cared.
Thank you friend,
For your smiles
For your tender words.
Thank you God,
You gave us this time
To share your word,
To share your Son.
My dear friend,
We will meet again.
And there, around the throne of grace,
We will embrace.
We will share our joy,
We will share the Son.
We’ll be dancing with the King,
Hand in hand, praises ring.
Forever in peace,
Surrounded by His grace.
Until that time, my friend,
I will miss your smiles,
Your handshake,
Your warm embrace.
Thank you, my friend,
Through you, I have seen
The Master’s hand,
And felt His grace.

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Andrews Blogpage first created Thursday, July 21, 2005 ~ This webpage last updated Saturday, December 23, 2006

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