Andrews Blog Page for July, 2005
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Missions Celebration Big Valley Grace -- 2006

Monday, July 4, 2005 -- We left on our second trip for Columbia about 5:30 a.m. on Monday, July 4th. Spent the whole day at Columbia for the July 4th celebration. We arrived in Columbia about 7:30, drove around the area. Found an old water wheel and wigwam. We starting walking around Columbia about 8:30. Ben and Dara had fun climbing the big rocks.

Here are some pictures of Columbia:

We left Columbia about 4:00, and headed for Big Trees again, to spend one night there. There weren't very many people camped at Big Trees, so we changed our campsite to a more level area. Tuesday, July 5th, we hiked the South Grove trail, where the biggest and oldest in the world tower like silent giants. We hiked the entire loop, including the trail to the Aggasiz Tree, at the end of the trail.

Tuesday, July 5, 2005 -- Here are some pictures from the Big Trees South Grove:

This is me at the Agassiz Tree, at the end of the South Grove trail.  This tree is one of the largest and oldest trees in the world, and must be well over 1,000 years old!!

See my Big Trees South Grove Trail page with lots more pictures!!

Links about Columbia:
Adventure No. 60, Columbia SHP
Columbia, Gem of the Southern Mines
Columbia State Historical Park
Events in Columbia 2005

Sunday, July 10, 2005 -- Dara, Ben and daddy went birding with the Audubon Society at Caswell State Park. Our group identified at least 25 species of birds, including: spotted towhee, turkey vulture, nuttalls woodpecker, belted kingfisher, California thrasher, humming bird, California quail, western tanager, ashthroated flycather, brown cowbird, red-tailed hawk, mourning dove, bushtit, swainson's hawk, black phoebe, tree swallow, white-breasted nuthatch, wrentit, downey's wookpecker, western wood pewee, willow flycather, gold finch.

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Andrews Blog created December 11, 2004. This page first created Friday, July 15, 2005 ~ Last updated on Tuesday, November 1, 2005

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